Drew Hardy & cie ltée

Drew Hardy took a number of family heirlooms that were really beaten up over the years. They stripped the furniture, repaired the broken legs and loose joints, replaced the missing veneer and refinished everything in its original color. I was amazed! These pieces all have pleasant memories for me and having them back is like renewing contact with an old friend.
- Brenda P., Pierrefonds
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Nos Clients

Notre expertise nous a ouvert la porte de clients provenant d'horizons divers et variés :

  • Services résidentiels partout dans la région de Montréal, l'Ouest de l'île, Laval et la Rive-Sud
  • Bureaux et édifices commerciaux
  • Magasins d'écoulement d'ameublement au détail
  • Assureurs
  • Entreprises de déménagement
  • Designers d'intérieur et décorateurs

"We started using Drew Hardy years ago ... At that time, we had a wooden wall panel that didn't match the other panels. We called in a few refinishing companies and none of them could match the coloring. Drew Hardy did an absolutely perfect job on that panel. We have been using them ever since."
 - Mike Morin, Kraft Foods.

Notre succès au fil des ans repose sur notre réputation d'excellence et la satisfaction de nos clients